• Jess Crook - Whyfield Practice Manager Promotion

    Whyfield Practice Manager Promotion

    We are delighted to announce that Jessica Crook has been appointed as the new Practice Manager at Whyfield. Read about her progress into the role.

    Whyfield News
    Published 31.10.19
  • AAT Interview: From Apprentice to Director

    Those of you who have been to London lately or have been targeted by a national campaign by the Association of Accounting Technicians could be forgiven for thinking “Hey, I know her!” when you’ve seen our Managing Director Laura Whyte on a Tube billboard or in your social feed. Laura is a big advocate of

    Whyfield News
    Published 14.02.19
  • A win for Whyfield clients!

    Whilst our director Laura Whyte didn’t win ‘Licensed Member of the Year’ at the AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians) Professional Member Awards 2018, Whyfield’s clients will be benefiting from her presence at the AAT’s Annual Conference. Laura, along with fellow director Roxane Neave, attended the two day gathering of top accountancy professionals and industry experts

    Whyfield News
    Published 08.06.18
  • Whyfield Director Selected for AAT Licensed Member of the Year Award

    Laura Whyte has been shortlisted for a top international accountancy award after capturing the attention of judges for a successful 12 months

    Awards & Accolades
    Published 30.04.18
  • Whyfield Celebrates Three Years of Success!

    Whyfield is celebrating its third year of trading this week. The whole Whyfield team would like to say a big thank you to each and every client that we have worked with. We would also like to say a big thank you to everyone that has helped us along the way, including friends, family, other

    Whyfield News
    Published 04.04.17
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