On 17 August 2020, the Second Self Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) opens for claims.

Nobody should miss out on vital funding, especially when it could be business-saving! HMRC are writing to those who they believe to be eligible, so keep an eye out.

In the meantime, we have quickly outlined the details you need to remember when applying for the second funding in this scheme.

How do I apply?

We have outlined this before – we updated a previous post of ours about the SEISS which is still live! For more detailed information including eligibility for the scheme, read Changes to the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme.

If you just want to know how to apply, read the following:

You must apply through the official government portal and just scroll until you see How to claim.

You will need the following in order to do so:

  • Self-assessment unique taxpayer reference (UTR)
  • National insurance (NI) number
  • Government Gateway user ID and password – you can create this when you make your claim if you haven’t already
  • UK bank details including:
  • Bank account number
  • Sort code
  • Name on the account
  • Address linked to your bank account

If eligible, you will be given a date that you can make your claim from. You will then have until 19 October 2020 to claim

HMRC have plenty of guidance on their YouTube Channel. Watch their step-by-step guide to applying, or go to their channel to learn more about eligibility and what has changed for parents.

Our support to you

Of course, we want to help where we can. Unfortunately, we cannot apply for the scheme on your behalf. Doing so will flag in HMRC’s system, and cause a long delay in you receiving important funds.

What we can do, aside from providing you with these updates, is advise you personally. If you still have questions about your eligibility, or just need something cleared up about how this scheme even works, call us on 01872 267 267!

We have an expert team who have been advising businesses throughout the pandemic, available Monday to Friday, 8:30 till 16:30. They will answer your questions and point you in the right direction.

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